Technique and Approach #1.

Framing for me is a bit of a process. I think to myself as I frame up a photo, I think "will this work?" "can I make this work" sometimes no, sometimes yes. For example one fine Brisbane day, walking through the city, enjoying the sun shine. I noticed the time on the clock tower in a reflection. I had my camera with me. Lining up some of the lines... I managed this framing of the clock tower in the reflection in the neighbouring building. Looks almost like a double exposure with the bits and bob inside the 'host' building. Or maybe more of a 3 exposure shot with 3 key elements. The host, the building window arrangement to the right and the clock tower.

Kodak Ektar 100, Canon A1. 

It's not the first time I've used reflections for my images, I guess I just love using the environment, my surrounds and incorporating such elements into my work / approach. Light, reflections, form. Having now been for a long time interested and inspired by architecture, design and with a slight obsession with light.

This print is available for purchase. Hola - here.