
A while back I applied to RAW Artists to see I could partake in their bi-monthly art exhibitions. Without thinking much of it, I got a response about 2 weeks ago. 

A little bit about RAW - 

Photographers, Visual Artists, Musicians, Fashion & Accessories Designers, Hair Stylists, Makeup Artists, Filmmakers & Performing Artists - we want you! Visit www.RAWartists.org to submit your work!

RAW:natural born artists is an independent arts …

Being accepted, finally made me realise, I can do this. This new direction for me. What a great opportunity.

With a few ideas on how to display my work, I'm going to keep it fairly simple. A small number of prints, hopefully organise them into a state where I might offer to sell them at the exhibition. I'd love for you to come and join with me (and perhaps celebrate, with a drink or 2...) my first exhibition. Tickets are available for purchase for $15 on the lines - here